LIFE | Osaka Drizzle - 大阪しぐれ

* Chinese version below

editorial illustrtaion, Sailor Moon with Yusuke Urameshi, running in the rain with pink salmon umbrella

 ​ ​ 
Ben Liu, Male waiting for Japanese train at Hosoigawa station, Osaka


How many times I've been imagining our first encounter: how should I greet you? "Hajimemashite (Nice meeting you, enchanté!)"? But when the plane landed at Kansai Airport, surrounding by the Serenity and Rose Quartz sky, I couldn't help whispering "Ohisashiburi (Long time no see)" instead. ​

Grown up in China, I've never had a chance to visit my neighbour, yet Sailor Moon, Super Mario, Enka, TV dramas, all these childhood buddies gradually taught me A-I-U-E-O. Very basic, really. But surprisingly I received congratulations from this costume officer with her mouth widely open: "Eh-? Su-go-i!" I do enjoy learning foreign languages, yet with all these AI translators' birth? Will hard learning still be relevant? Did I just waste so much time? ​

Man riding bike crossing zibra lines, traffic crossroad, Japanese stop sign

Ojisan uncle in the train looking outside, Japanese young lady waiting for train on platform

People in Kansai are well known for their warmness, also their accents. My jack-of-all-trades Japanese survived thanks to their kind assistance, except my neck and back after 1000 times nods and bows a day...


ひとりで 生きてくなんて できないと
泣いてすがればネオンが ネオンがしみる
北の新地は おもいでばかり
雨もよう 夢もぬれます
ひとつや ふたつじゃないの 古傷は
噂並木の堂島 堂島すずめ
こんな私で いいならあげる
何もかも 抱いてください
しあわせ それとも今は ふしあわせ
酔ってあなたは曽根崎 曽根崎あたり
つくし足りない 私が悪い
あの人を 雨よ帰して


ひとりで 生きてくなんて できないと
泣いてすがればネオンが ネオンがしみる
北の新地は おもいでばかり
雨もよう 夢もぬれます
ひとつや ふたつじゃないの 古傷は
噂並木の堂島 堂島すずめ
こんな私で いいならあげる
何もかも 抱いてください
しあわせ それとも今は ふしあわせ
酔ってあなたは曽根崎 曽根崎あたり
つくし足りない 私が悪い
あの人を 雨よ帰して

ひとりで生きてくなんて できないと
泣いてすがればネオンが ネオンがしみる
北の新地はおもいでばかり 雨もよう
夢も濡れます ああ大阪しぐれ

しあわせそれともいまは 不しあわせ
酔ってあなたは曾根崎 曾根崎あたり
つくし足りないわたしが悪い あのひとを
雨よ帰して ああ大阪しぐれ

⎯  大阪しぐれ(昭和55年 - 1980)⎮ 吉岡治作詞 / 市川昭介作曲 ⎮ 都はるみ ( Miyako Harumi )


ひとりで 生きてくなんて できないと
泣いてすがればネオンが ネオンがしみる
北の新地は おもいでばかり
雨もよう 夢もぬれます
ひとつや ふたつじゃないの 古傷は
噂並木の堂島 堂島すずめ
こんな私で いいならあげる
何もかも 抱いてください
しあわせ それとも今は ふしあわせ
酔ってあなたは曽根崎 曽根崎あたり
つくし足りない 私が悪い
あの人を 雨よ帰して

大阪しぐれ (Osaka Drizzle), a Japanese enka song I like, I thought the "rain scene" was just for colouring the sentimental mood for the song, but when I really came to Japan, I realized it does rain a lot in Osaka :)

Traveler caught in the rain at Midōsuji shopping street, with suitcase

Japanese police man, security guy, Osaka, Japan

"Are you from Japan? Why don't you move there since you loved manga and anime?" I got these a lot, even the sales lady at Chinatown would switch into "English FM" in my turn. I've never been too enthusiastic about a single thing. Plus, if such picky-sensitive-perfectionist like me live in Japan, it wouldn't help my OCD — see, the ojiisan chef over there, is filling the rice with an electronic balance. ​

From Umeda, Shinmichi, till Shinsaibashi, I began to hum "Midoduji in the Rain", it surely did touch the Rain God. Unfurled the umbrella, faded in the neon reflections... ​ ​

— 2018.04.29, Montréal
Published in【G.Life】Magazine





比起东京,大阪的热情淳朴是举国闻名的,关西腔也稍欠都会感, 可能就像东北话之于普通话吧?虽还没去过关东,但在关西,无论是为你指路的耳机小弟,操一口标准英语的售票大爷,还是笑容可掬的导购姐姐,都让你切身感受到大都市少有的温馨。不过礼貌是会传染的,一天下来,可是没少点头鞠躬——仿佛也只有这样说日语,才算得上“标准”?


Osaka Metro JR train crew, broadcasting, Itoen Tea Vending machine

Empty city view, buildings in Osaka, Japan

华灯初上,从梅田,新道,再到心斋桥,哼起《雨の御堂筋》,还真把雨神给召唤来了…… 轻轻扣上领口,撑起小伞,继续向南。望着朵朵行色匆匆的伞花和点点倒映闪烁的霓虹,一丝秋意忽而掠过心头。

– 2017.10.28 于蒙特利尔

photos by : Ben Liu



Montreal artist, fashion illustrator

art direction + illustration ⎮
