LIFE | 10-Year Challenge

Where were you ? Where are you? 

10 Years, from teenage to aldulthood, grow up, 2009 vs 2019, Old me and the new me, crossing traffic zibra lines

10 Years, from teenage to aldulthood, grow up, 2009 vs 2019, Old me and the new me, crossing traffic zibra lines

10 Years, from teenage to aldulthood, grow up, 2009 vs 2019, Old me and the new me, crossing traffic zibra lines

10 years could change one person a bit, or, a lot. Physically, spiritually.

 In 2009, I said : I wanna living a fashionable life in a modern urban,
in 2019, I want to have a back yard, grow my own vegetables.

In 2009, I was sure that I would never have long hairs in my life,
in 2019, I get to realize (once more) that we'd better never say never :)

In China, we were always educated to "keep your original intention, so that we could having the good end."(不忘初心,方得始终). 初心, some interpret it as "first heart, original goal", it suggests us to remember our very firstintention to do things, to become the people we wanted to be. 

But I found that our goals changes all the time: as soon as we reach up a 1 km mountain, we want to conquer to the 2 km one, therefore, the original goal of 1 km is no more. So it might not be a good interpretation here. I guess the more accurate way to see it, is to always remember the feeling of a "newcomer" in order to keep learning humbly ?

What's your thought about it ?



Montreal artist, fashion illustrator

art direction + illustration ⎮
