Metro Montreal #19 - Yellow Kerchief Madam

On bus #202, form Côte-de-Liesse to Métro DuCollège.
This bold yellow kerchief pop up among the gray crowd.
She was sitting there with grocery bags. A blue trench coat.
Round-head leather shoes.

I found it's hard to wear kerchief, we always have an image for women with kerchiefs, 
working in the farm. So that easily attaches with
farmers... far from glamour. So I guess that's why nowadays it's rare to see women with kerchiefs?

I guess she found me staring at her, then she turned her head towards the window...
well, I can still draw you with memories!
Cause you are so special in this gray afternoon. :)

Bus #202 Dawson



  1. Wow you can just draw out of memory! Amazing ;)

    Can't wait for more of your drawings!


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